Owner Foresight Product Management SPOKANE, Washington, United States
The word "experienced" seems to be equated with the words "has been". Since we've been around the longest, many of us are drawing the highest salaries in the room, but it is not lost on management that younger, less-expensive employees can deliver more because they truly are tech-savvy and up on trends. It's on us to re-educate ourselves and broadcast a brand of relevance and viability. I will cover how to update your brand, describe ways to navigate through getting managed out of your job, and ways to look at reinventing yourself as you move to partial or full-time retirement.
Learning Objectives:
Describe ways to update your brand to re-emphasize how amazing you still are as you move into your 50s and 60s.
Identify how to use your engineering entrepreneur skills to reinvent your goals and brand moving from professional career to partial or full-time retirement.
Identify if your company is trying to manage you out of your position and define useful approaches to keeping your position, transferring, or finding another opportunity outside of the company.